Registration for the meeting is obligatory.
  • 5 September 2021 (for active participants, i.e. participants who wish to submit an abstract)
  • 16 September 2021 (for passive participants, i.e. without an abstract)

Registration for the meeting is free of charge for all academic participants.
Commercial participants are kindly requested to contact directly the secretariat at:

  • Registration is open
  • Abstract submission is closed

Abstract submission deadline: 5 September 2021
Please note that registration of the presenting author is mandatory.


All abstracts must be submitted only via the Online Abstract Submission Form. After you register, you will be able to submit an abstract into the system.
Abstracts submitted by e-mail or other means will not be accepted.
The abstract must be submitted in English. The authors are responsible for the content and the language quality of the abstract.

To complete your abstract submission you will be asked to fill in bellow stated data:
– Abstract Title
– Author(s) details – First name(s), Last name(s), Affiliation(s)
– Presenting author and his e-mail
– Abstract Text up To 2,000 characters incl. spaces
– Figure(s), graph(s), picture(s) – max 3 uploaded in one ZIP file up to 20MB
– Short captures of uploaded files
– Sessions: Immunology and infection, Disease models, Advances in neurosciences, Preclinical development, Keynote lectures, Short technology talks
– Preferred type of presentation – Oral, Poster, Invited

You needn’t to submit the whole abstract at once.
Content will stay available for further updates when login in the website

Please be aware it will be not possible to modify abstract after its submission.

Publication of Abstracts

The authors of submitted abstracts agree with publication of their abstracts (without further reviewing) in the Abstract Book (electronic and/or printed version) to be distributed to all participants at the event.

Instructions for Poster Presenters

Upload of posters to the conference virtual platform
Please prepare your poster as a single file (all standard formats are accepted) and send it to the email address: by 13 September 2021 at the latest.
Upload of your poster to the virtual platform will be done by the technicians of the company operating the virtual platform.
The optimal size of a poster presentation is A0 (height 1189 mm x width 841 mm).
You can add an introductory speech (max duration 2 min,) to your poster presentation. If you wish to accompany your poster with a speech, please record it and send together with your poster.

Display of posters
All posters will be displayed in a dedicated virtual poster hall throughout the Conference duration and accessible to all registered participants.
There will be two interactive poster sessions at each day of the conference. Please check the programme for the specific time of the poster sessions.
You are kindly requested to join these sessions so that other participants can interact with you.